Health & Safety @ Blend Culinary Foundation
We look forward to welcoming you to our kitchen and want you all to enjoy your time and have fun while you are here with us. So everyone can feel comfortable we ask you to read our safety advice, by sharing our space you are agreeing that you will follow these guidelines along with any other instructions given to you by our kitchen lead on the day.
Who Can Attend
Our Community Kitchen is an inclusive space and we want to share it with as many of you as possible. We aim to deliver a wide range of activations, all ages are welcome in our kitchen however please note that you must be 18 years or older to book our classes and maybe requested to provide suitable ID to confirm this.
We do offer a variety of family and children’s classes, mainly on weekends and over school holidays, however, due to health & safety children attending must be able to safely reach counter height.
Please note that children will need to be supervised when using the ovens and hobs, our friendly team will be on hand to help give guidance on safe usage of these however we ask you to adhere to our policy:
•   Children aged from 5 - 8, must have a parent or guardian over the age of 18 accompany them at all times
•   Children aged from 9 - 12, must have a parent or guardian over the age of 18 per 2 children in attendance at all times
•   For teenagers, 13+ years a parent or guardian must be within the wider building - Cambridge Street Collective
Before attending
Please notify us of any allergies, intolerances or any specific needs including accessibility considerations when booking.
Induction hobs are used in the kitchen so we advise any guests with pacemakers to check with their GP before attending.
We ask that if you have suffered with any of the following conditions in the week before attending you notify us and accept that you may need to change or cancel your booking:
•   Skin rashes or other skin conditions
•   Diarrhoea, vomiting or other bowel disorders
•   Sore throat, fever or other viral conditions
•   Any Covid-19 symptoms or positive Covid-19 test in household
On attending
Please ensure that you wear appropriate clothing and closed-toe footwear
Please ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly before, after and at regular intervals during your cookery class
Please never leave glasses, knives, or anything else sharp in the sinks; never walk around with a knife pointing up/out; always carry knives at your side with the blade pointing down
Let us know immediately if there are any breakages or if you spill anything, so that we can clear it up (we don’t mind!), please do pick up fallen items only if safe to do so and stay by spillages on the floor and get a member of staff’s attention
In the event of a fire, we will leave by the nearest fire exit and gather outside by Marmaduke’s cafe on Cambridge St
We hope you have an accident-free visit to our kitchen, however we do have several fully qualified First Aiders in the building to deal with any incident. Please let us know if you have hurt yourself, particularly cuts or burns and we will be able to look after you.
Alcoholic drinks may be provided in some classes to guests over 18 and should only be consumed in moderation as part of the class experience.
All ingredients are provided by the cookery school and are subject to the availability of produce.
Please bring storage containers as appropriate to your class to take away items made in.
Mobile phones
Please do take as many photos and videos of your time with us as you would like, however, we ask that you keep your mobile phone on silent or vibrate during the sessions.
If you wish to take or make a call, please leave the kitchen to do so
Please note that photographs and video footage may be taken during the class and used by The Blend Culinary Foundation for marketing and publicity, on our website and across social media. Please speak with a team member if you have any concerns or wish to be exempted from this activity.
And most importantly, have fun!